We took a drive to the most southern end of the peninsula that we live on. What a great place. It is called Jougashima island. This was about a 2 hour drive for us and Dave drove all the way. Good job Dave! No wrecks or anything...only a few hard stops. hahaha! Once we got there we parked and walk on the trails. The island is set up for you to be able to walk all over. Kirby would have loved chasing all the wild cats there. We were amazed at all the bamboo along the trails and the gorgeous views from the cliffs. There were even paths that took you down to the water. This day was a little chilly so we stayed at the top of the cliffs. On clear days you are able to see Mt. Fuji in the distance but this day there were clouds covering the peak. We had a great time walking around and observing nature. By the time we got back to the car, my feet were swollen like balloons. Dave was amused and I was aching. I have to admit, I was a trooper considering that I was not in a good mood all morning. I guess it happens these days...due to lack of sleep! Below are a few photos of our trip.
This week I am 31 weeks pregnant. Sleep has been a problem as of lately. Most nights Dave ends up on the floor to sleep. I think he sleeps much better cause the bed is not moving and I am not always waking him up going to the bathroom or to get water to drink or to sit up cause my food is coming up in my throat. haha Oh the joys of growing a child. It's hard to believe that is about 9 weeks we will have a little one here. We are getting very excited and nervous at the same time. Dave purchased his ticket to come home for the birth. I will be 39 weeks when he gets home so hope Jacob waits for him to get here before showing himself. Keep your fingers crossed. We are still unsure if Dave's mom is coming out for the delivery and to spend some time with us in March but should find out real soon. We are excited about someone in the family coming out to spend time with us and our new little one. Next weekend is my baby shower and I am sooo excited to get stuff for Jacob. So far I have 12 people coming and after that is over we can finally start buying stuff that we do not have. I have been putting off buying stuff until we see what we get at the shower. Can't wait! Enjoy the photos and I will update after my next appt. on the 21st. 
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